marți, 25 octombrie 2016

China Tackles Increase in IVF Demand after One-Family One-Child Policy Was Removed

China Tackles Increase in IVF Demand after One-Family One-Child Policy Was RemovedBack in 1949, straight away after the People's Republic of China was established, the government encouraged Chinese families to have children and produce manpower. Therefore, China's population doubled in the following years, but an issue arose: the country's food supply was strained. Between 1959 and 1961, the Great Chinese Famine killed around 15 to 30 million people.

That is why the government decided to introduce in 1979 the one-child policy and a series of fines, sterilizations, and abortions for those who did not comply. It is estimated that this law prevented 400 million births.

After more than three decades of strict regulations, China has decided to remove this policy. Nowadays families are allowed to have two children, but the law does not apply for single women who want to become mothers or to unmarried couples.

The decision to end this policy and allow families to have two children was taken for two reasons. One of them was to improve the balanced development of the population and the second was to deal with the aging population issue.

The role played by medical tourism

For some couples who have decided to have a second child, conceiving naturally is not possible. More and more Chinese people are infertile, with more than 40 million people in 2013, which makes up 12.5% of the total population of childbearing age.

This has lead to overcrowding the IVF clinics in the country, with one clinic serving 3.8 million people. More than 200,000 couples receive IVF Treatment in China annually, but the number is growing rapidly since the relaxation of the one child policy. Besides this, the procedure is not covered by insurance, so this counts as an extra reason for couples to look for fertility treatments abroad.

Medical tourism has become a widely chosen option for couples looking for highly-successful fertility procedures, as well as treatments that are not offered in their home country such as gender selection. Many couples consider gender selection to ensure proper family balancing.

Some of the most chosen countries for fertility treatments are Thailand, Ukraine, Korea and Georgia for their wide fertility treatment options, high success rates and highly specialized fertility specialists.


Fertility procedures

Gender Selection

Some of the countries chosen by Chinese couples for gender selection we can mention Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine and Greece. There are two proven techniques that can affect the gender of the future child: the sperm-sorting method and the IVF procedure with the use of PGD. Both come with great success rates and have already been used for many years.

Sperm Sorting

The sperm sorting technique has been used for more than 30 years. The sperm sample is placed in a centrifuge where the denser X-sperm (producing a female child) is separated from the lighter Y-sperm (producing a male child). By separating the layers, one is increasing the chances of producing a child of a specific gender. The rates of success for this procedure are up to 85% for the couples who want a boy and 75% for those who want a girl. The price for this procedure varies between $1,300 and $2,500 per cycle.

IVF with PGD (In Vitro Fertilization with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

With a success rate of97-99.9%, PGD is the only method that can guarantee the gender of the child. Embryos are tested for gender before they are implanted in the womb through IVF. The eggs are taken from the mother or from a donor and the sperm sample is taken from the father or a donor. The embryos are created in the lab and in the third day of growth they are subject to a biopsy.PGD is usually used by couples with a family history of a genetic disorder or by older women who are prone to having a baby with genetic birth defects. Prices vary from $2,235 in the Czech Republic to $6,400 in Cyprus and $7,925 in Thailand.

IVF using donor eggs

The success rates for IVF procedure drops significantly once the woman reaches 40, therefore some couples turn to donor eggs to conceive. The donor will have to undergo ovarian stimulation and egg collection, the eggs being fertilized with the male partner's sperm. Because the donor is young, the success of IVF with egg donation is more than 60%. The price for the procedure varies from $5,500 in India to $5,700 in Georgia and Cyprus and $6,730 in Russia.

Gestational Surrogacy

For some couples, the only solution to have a baby is surrogacy. With gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother has no genetic link with the child. The embryo will be created using the biological father's sperm and the biological mother's egg or donor sperm and egg. Using IVF the embryo will be transferred to the uterus of the surrogate mother. Chinese couples can enjoy the benefits of surrogacy in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Cyprus and the US. Prices range from $27,800 in Ukraine to $29,000 in Georgia and $49,830 in Russia.

PlacidWay is a leading medical tourism company offering solutions to each couple interested in becoming parents through fertilization options or surrogacy. With the growth in medical tourism, Chinese couples have many options readily available for them to fulfill their dream of having a child.

Let your dreams in the hands of professionals who have brought positive change in the lives of thousands of people around the world.

If you need more information about these fertility treatments, please contact us!

luni, 24 octombrie 2016

10 Questions You Should Ask your Doctor regarding Traveling Abroad

10 Questions You Should Ask your Doctor when thinking about Traveling Abroad
Questions To Ask Your Doctor By PlacidWay

10 Questions You Should Ask your Doctor when it comes to Traveling Abroad

The world is a smaller place now especially because some of the most expensive treatments in the USA, Canada, or Europe are now offered at a fraction of the actual cost in specific countries across the world. As a result, more and more people are traveling to a foreign country to benefit from "low cost and high quality" medical treatments for a variety of diseases and condition.

Regardless of whether you are visiting Los Algodones, Mexico for dental treatment or opting for an anti-aging treatment in Kiev, Ukraine, consulting your doctor prior to travel is a must. Most often than not, patients are confused about what should they ask their doctor and hence, we have put together a list of 10 questions you should ask your doctor when considering traveling abroad.

Do I need to share or carry my medical history?

This is an important area because some medical conditions have connections with your immediate past like Coronary artery disease (CAD) can be caused due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Your health details will reveal if you are taking or have taken medications in the past for specific health issues that may have led to your current medical condition. Your medical history is something that you need to share with your doctor. Your medical history may also reveal the medications you are allergic too, which will be decisive for a doctor when prescribing post treatment medication.

Do I need to choose specific treatment plan for my medical condition?

The treatment plan varies according to the type and severity of a medical condition. At times, a specific medical condition can be treated using multiple procedures and in such a scenario, you will need to choose a medical procedure that you are most comfortable with. As an example, let's look at dental implants. Whether you require all-on-4 or implants of the upper or lower jaw, the treatment procedure can involve Endosteal implants or Subperiosteal implants. Hence, it is extremely important to discuss your medical condition and the proper treatment in advance with your doctor.

How do I know a specific treatment is right for my medical condition?

Some medical conditions have multiple treatment procedures while others have single or specific procedures. Considering the above example of dental treatments like Endosteal implants or Subperiosteal implants, it is important to identify what they are. Endosteal implants are normally attached directly to the bone while Subperiosteal implants are a type of metal framework that is attached to the jawbone underneath the gum tissue. This information can be provided by your dentist or doctor you could also conduct a little bit of research over the internet to find details regarding the procedures.

Will there be any diagnostic tests prior to a treatment?

Professional Medical Care
A person suffering from the common flu has to go through a diagnostic test to determine the cause like viral or bacterial. Yes, a diagnostic test is mandatory prior to any treatment. A proper diagnosis of the medical condition, stage of medical condition, and cause will help in determining the right treatment plan. It is important that the clinic or hospital you are planning to visit has state of the art equipment and laboratory to run required diagnostic tests.

Who conducts the diagnostic tests?

The diagnostic tests are normally conducted by lab technicians, junior doctors, nurses, and medical assistants. It is always important to check the credentials and experience of professionals conducting the tests. This really is another important area apart from advanced equipment because a small mistake in a diagnostic test may lead to non-treatment or incorrect treatment of a medical condition.

What if a particular treatment doesn't suit me?

It is true that sometimes, a specific treatment, however perfect it may be, might not suit you. You might show allergic reaction or other similar symptoms. This is an important area and you should ideally go with a doctor or clinic that offers you other options or who offer tailor treatments based on the medical diagnosis. Willingness to providing alternative medical treatments is important.

What kind of during and post treatment care can I expect?

Proper care is essential prior to and after any type of medical treatment procedure whether it is something as simple as hair transplant procedure or something more strenuous as Chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer. Depending on the type of medical condition, a clinic and the supervising doctor should be capable of handling any emergency situation as well as offer high quality care to their patients. Each patient should be provided personal care followed by monitoring of vital signs and reactions of medications prior to treatment.

Will there be any side effects of my treatment? How will I manage them?

Side effects can be quite commonplace. Two people can undergo the same treatment for a specific medical condition but their body will not react in the same manner. One patient may suffer from post treatment effect like nausea while the other patient may not experience anything at all. Yet, it is important to ask your doctor what are the various side effects that you might experience as this will help you with your planning on a physical and psychological level for the treatment.

The management of the side effects can be done using medications or alternate therapies. This will depend on the type of side effect you experience. You need to find out from your doctor the various support options they would be ready to provide for management of the side effects.

Where will my treatment procedure take place?

The treatment procedure will take place in the clinic or hospital that your doctor represents. It is important to find out the following information from your doctor:
  1. Appointment date and time

  2. Time of diagnostic tests

  3. Duration of diagnostic tests

  4. Duration of the treatment procedure

  5. Duration of stay prior to and post treatment procedure

  6. Place of stay
Note: You need to also find out how experienced your doctor is in treating your type of medical condition. Does he/she have any previous experience? Is he/she a board certified specialist? You can also ask for references of patients who have been successfully treated.

Will I have a single point of contact at the medical center or will a team be appointed to address my medical needs?

Depending on the medical condition, a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals will address your medical needs right from admission into the clinic to getting diagnostic tests, treatment, and post treatment care. A clinical nurse will be appointed to check your vitals and monitor your nutrition during the stay at hospital. You need to ask your doctor if they have such a team in place or not. Apart, from this, you should also ask whether there will be junior doctors to address any of your immediate medical needs. You need to also find out if there is any translator in the team or someone who speaks your language especially if you are visiting a foreign country.

It is important to understand that if you ask the right questions to your doctor or surgeon then it will help prepare you for the treatment in a healthy way. Of course, there could be many more treatment specific questions that can arise in your mind and it is always recommended to discuss the same with your doctor as well. What you really need is to create a "checklist" of questions, so that you can travel abroad for your treatment without any annoying burden in your mind.

For more information on how to have the best medical experience abroad, please contact us!

vineri, 21 octombrie 2016

Top 10 reasons why fertility treatment in Mexico is popular

Top 10 Reasons For Fertility Treatment In Mexico

Top 10 reasons why fertility treatment in Mexico is popular

The bliss of "motherhood" is something that cannot be explained in merely words but almost every woman dreams of that day when she would conceive a child. There is a dark side to this dream, which is infertility. It is a medical condition that may make it almost impossible for a woman to conceive and in the modern age, this condition can also exist in men.

In more medical terms, infertility is termed as the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception. In several countries across the world, infertility refers to a condition where a couple has failed to conceive even after regular sexual intercourse for a period of 12 months without using contraception.

Infertility is a scary condition and more often than not, it affects the psyche of person deemed infertile. It can lead to trauma and depression as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 1 million married women in the USA falling in the age group of 15-44 are infertile. This is not all, there are almost 6.9 million married women in the US who have used infertility services.

In fact, there are more and more people from US and Canada traveling to Cancun, Mexico for fertility treatments. Why this trend of traveling across to another country?

Cancun, Mexico – A New Lease of Life for Infertile Couples!

Cancun, situated on the Yucatán Peninsula is a Mexican city well-known for 14 miles of white sandy beaches, energetic nightlife, and BBQ ribs along with Habanero chili sauce and Margarita. Today, it is not only witnessing footfalls of regular tourists but also medical tourists because Cancun is becoming home to some of the top infertility specialists in the world.

In the last few years, Cancun has become a hotspot of couples looking for high quality fertility treatment. There are many specialized clinics in this peninsular city and each of them is consistently dedicated towards providing the highest quality of treatment and care within a comfortable and friendly environment. Let's take a look at why people are traveling to Cancun, Mexico for fertility treatment.

Will I end up paying higher costs in Cancun, Mexico?

Cost of a fertility treatment like In vitro fertilization (IVF) are quite high in the USA and Canada as it is not a single procedure but a series of challenging procedures that assist with the birth of a child. It includes collection of mature eggs from the ovary of the woman in question and is fertilized by sperms in a lab. The fertilized egg also known as the embryo is then implanted in a woman's uterus. Hence, the cost attached to this laborious process can vary in the US or Canada anywhere from $12,000 to $20,000 and even more. This is where Cancun clinics have played an integral role in ensuring IVF doesn't impact people on the financial plane. The cost of IVF's in Mexico can vary from $5,000 to $7,000. The "cost" of the treatment is the numero uno factor why so many people from US and Canada travel to Cancun, Mexico each year just to get fertility treatments.

Are there any hidden costs?

You are probably wondering, there must be some hidden costs somewhere! After all, how can clinics in Mexico really offer such an intensive treatment in under $8,000? The truth is that there are clinics in Cancun that might come up with hidden costs when you are paying your bills but this won't happen if you approach a medical center through a trusted medical provider like PlacidWay.

Am I really going to get high quality care within this cost?

Most definitely! When the cost of a treatment is lower than expected then that is bound to raise doubts. Are they going to offer me high quality treatment? Do they have a reputed gynecologist on board? The list of questions just goes on. So, here's some good news to take away your worries. There are several fertility clinics in Cancun, Mexico but if you visit one of the high-end clinics like the IREGA IVF Clinic in Cancun then you can be rest assured that you will get nothing less than the best treatment available out there. Don't just take our word for it - check out the patient feedback!

IREGA is the heart of Center for Reproduction and Genetics of the reputed Galenia Hosiptal in Cancun and their fertility treatment is indeed a Guarantee program wherein they are committed towards increasing your chances of success.

The equipment must be outdated!

Not at all! The equipment used by IVF clinics in Cancun, Mexico are all state of the art. The top clinics have invested in highly advanced IVF laboratory equipment including an Isolette. This is a type of incubator where embryos are kept in a Petri dish as it ensures humidity and temperature control as well as proper supply of oxygen. Some of the other equipment used in clinic laboratories includes advanced stereo microscope, incubators, inverted microscope, embryo freezers and storage tanks meant for keeping surplus IVF embryos safe.

What about the gynecologists? Are they qualified?

The fertility clinics in Cancun, Mexico are committed towards excellence when it comes to fertility treatment and care. The top clinics have dedicated medical professionals working together to make dreams come true and this includes a highly energetic and qualified team of gynecologists, geneticist, biologists, psychologists, Andrologists, Nutritionists, nurses, and lab technicians among others.

Is IVF the only fertility treatment available in Cancun, Mexico?

IVF or In vitro fertilization is the most commonly opted for process among other fertility treatments across the world. Most people travel from the USA and Canada to get IVF treatment as it is well within their budget and is quite safe. The IVF clinics in Cancun do offer other fertility treatments as well and they are either standalone treatments or an integral part of the IVF process. Some of the treatment processes available in Mexico include:
  1. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  2. Embryo Vitrification (Freezing)
  3. Intrauterine Artificial Insemination (IUI)
  4. Testicular sperm retrieval (TESA)
  5. Preserving Fertility through cryopreservation of sperm
  6. Assisted Hatching
  7. Egg Donation
  8. Gender Selection

Is IVF fertility treatment in Cancun Safe?

IVF is quite a safe procedure as most of the treatment takes place outside the body. As a part of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, eggs (woman) and sperm (man) are retrieved from the people concerned and kept together in a laboratory glass dish that allows the fertilization process to take place. One of the advantages of using IVF in Mexico is that you will always have the freedom to use any combination of your own eggs as well as sperm. Post IVF, one or more fertilized eggs will be placed in your uterus and this is also a simple procedure.

Will the fertility treatment be any different from IVF clinics in Chicago or Toronto?

The fertility treatment in Cancun, Mexico will be the same as is offered in high end IVF clinics in Chicago or Toronto. It goes through simple 6 steps, which are:
  1. Ovarian Stimulation:You will be given fertility medication to enable proper stimulation of your ovaries. This will increase the chances of collecting several eggs. Multiple eggs are collected because not all eggs get fertilized.
  2. Collection of Eggs: Top medical professionals in Cancun clinics will perform a minor surgical procedure to retrieve eggs.
  3. Collection of Sperm: Semen sample containing sperm is obtained from the male partner or a sperm donor. They are then prepared through a laboratory process for fertilization.
  4. Insemination: There are two different types of insemination processes, IVF standard insemination or ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). This process involves injecting a single sperm into the egg and left in incubators that promote fertilization.
  5. Embryo Culture: Once fertilization takes place the fertilized eggs are considered as ‘embryos’. They are grown in the laboratory for a period of 6 days from egg retrieval.
  6. Embryo Transfer: Once, medical professionals have assessed your embryos, they are likely to pick up the most advanced embryo for transfer into the uterus. The embryo is placed into the uterus using a soft thin plastic tube and this procedure is quite simple.
The embryos once placed in the uterus will continue to grow until they implant.

The embryos once placed in the uterus will continue to grow until they implant.

Do I have to stay in Cancun for a month?

It is a quick treatment that will not take more than 6-8 days. There is a two week or 14 days waiting period after embryos have been implanted in the uterus. This waiting period does not have to be necessarily in Mexico because it involves a small pregnancy test, which you can do right at home.

Where do I stay in Cancun during treatment period?

There are hundreds of staying options in Cancun, Mexico since it is a popular tourist destination. Apart from this, if you opt for a fertility treatment package then the medical tourism provider can get you clean and safe accommodation at a discounted price. Some of the clinics also offer travel to and from the airport or hotel without any extra cost.

These are the top 10 reasons why more and more people from US and Canada are traveling to Cancun, Mexico for fertility treatments. There are many couples, who travel not just to take advantage of the fertility treatment but also to enjoy a well deserved romantic holiday at this beach city!

If the information here is not enough you can ask us a question, or maybe you need assistance, let us know here!

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2016

Flawless Dentures in Varazdin Croatia

When complicated and untreated dental problems lead to the loss of several teeth, the ideal prosthetic solution is represented by dentures. Dentures Overview The denture is a removable frame or plate that holds one or more artificial teeth. It can be partial or total and is an optimal therapeutic option for substituting several absent teeth, or even all missing teeth. In addition, dentures help strengthen muscles that control facial expressions, providing the necessary support for cheeks and lips, as well as help remove phonation and chewing difficulties.

marți, 4 octombrie 2016

Anti Aging Stem Cell Treatment and Therapy in Mexico | Medical Tourism Video

Stem cell therapy for anti-aging in Mexico is affordable making the whole body younger, which no medication can ensure. Stem cells in anti-aging therapies stimulate, restore and regenerate major body systems: immune, hormonal and circulatory.